Subscription Box FAQs

👉 How Much Does the Seasonal Subscription Boxes Cost?

Boxes are shipped four times a year. You pay $72 per box, plus shipping/taxes when applicable, on a subscription basis, with renewals occurring on the same day every three months that you subscribed on. (Example, if you subscribe on November 30th, the next payment is on February 28th, and the next payment after that is on May 30th, and so on.)

👉 When Are the Seasonal Subscription Boxes Shipped?

Subscription boxes ship out on the same day each season, usually near the end of the open enrollment period.

Open enrollment times are:

  • Winter: Sept 12th-Dec 11th

  • Spring: Dec 12th-Mar 11th

  • Summer: Mar 12th-Jun 11th

  • Fall: Jun 12th-Sept 11th.

Subscriptions will open for enrollment between the dates shown. You may sign up to be notified and be placed on the wait list to know when to enroll next when it becomes open again. We do this to make sure we have inventory on time for everyone, so you get your goodies delivered to you before the upcoming season!